Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker, Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, presents a gripping courtroom thriller, offering a rare and revealing inside look at a high-profile murder trial. In 2001, author Michael Peterson was arraigned for the murder of his wife Kathleen, whose body was discovered lying in a pool of blood on the stairway of their home. Granted unusual access to Peterson's lawyers, home and immediate family, de Lestrade's cameras capture the defense team as it considers its strategic options. "The staircase" is an engrossing look at contemporary American justice that features more twists than a legal bestseller.或许是石青峰等人回去的时候,没有重走那条小山谷,又或许是他们经过了这里,却没兴趣对付陈源那辆飞车,总之,不管是因为什么原因,反正当陈源拉着夏草的手来到这里的时候,看见他辆银灰色的飞车还完好无损、安安静静地停在那里。